
Selected Texts

Ashford, Robert The Binary Economics of Louis Kelso (Rutgers Law Journal, vol. 22. 1990).
Ashford, Robert Louis Kelso’s Binary Economy (The Journal of Socio-Economics, vol. 25, 1996).
Ashford, Robert & Shakespeare, Rodney (1999) Binary Economics – the new paradigm.
el-Diwany, Tarek (2003) The Problem With Interest.
Gates, Jeff (1999) The Ownership Solution.
Gates, Jeff (2000) Democracy At Risk.
Gauche, Jerry Binary Modes for the Privatization of Public Assets (The Journal of Socio-Economics. Vol. 27, 1998).
Gauche, Jerry General Stock Ownership Corporations: Another Step in Broadening Capital Ownership (30 American University Review, 1981).
Greenfield, Sidney M. Making Another World Possible: the Torah, Louis Kelso and the Problem of Poverty (paper given at conference, Colombia University, May, 2006).
Kelso, Louis & Kelso, Patricia Hetter (1986 & 1991) Democracy and Economic Power.
Kelso, Louis & Adler, Mortimer (1958) The Capitalist Manifesto.
Kelso, Louis & Adler, Mortimer (1961) The New Capitalists.
Kelso, Louis & Hetter, Patricia (1967) Two-Factor Theory: the Economics of Reality.
Kelso, Louis (1957) Karl Marx: The Almost Capitalist (American Bar Association Journal, March, 1957)
Kurland, Norman The Federal Reserve Discount Window (Winter 1998, Journal of Employee Ownership Law and Finance).
Kurland, Norman A New Look at Prices and Money: The Kelsonian Binary Model for Achieving Rapid Growth Without Inflation.
Kurland, Norman; Brohawn, Dawn & Michael Greaney (2004) Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen: A Just Free Market Solution for Saving Social Security.
Miller, J.H. ed., (1994) Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property.
Reiners, Mark Douglas The Binary Alternative and Future of Capitalism.
Shakespeare, Rodney & Challen, Peter (2002) Seven Steps to Justice.
Shakespeare, Rodney Integrating Islamic Finance into the Mainstream (paper delivered at Harvard, April, 2006)
Shakespeare, Rodney (2007): Binary Economics – The Modern Universal Paradigm.
Shakespeare, Rodney & Proudfoot, Wilf (1976) The Two-factor Nation.
Turnbull, Shann (2001) The Use of Central Banks to Spread Ownership.
Turnbull, Shann (1975/2000) Democratising the Wealth of Nations.

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